Want fresher air in your home?
Herbs can help!
Not only do they add flavor to your meals, but some herbs are also great at producing oxygen. In this article, we’ll explore which herbs to grow and how they can boost the air quality in your space.
Let’s plant some oxygen!
Mint is super fresh and not only livens up your drinks but also helps clean the air.
It’s a win-win for your kitchen or patio garden.
Basil is fantastic for making pesto and also gives off lots of oxygen.
Keep a pot on your windowsill for fresh air and fresh flavors.
Rosemary is as tough as it is fragrant, and it improves air quality while being perfect for roasting and grilling.
A must-have for any cook who loves fresh herbs.
Thyme is tiny but mighty when it comes to oxygen production.
This little herb can really pack a punch in both your garden and your recipes.
Parsley isn’t just a garnish; it’s great for improving the air around you.
Its vibrant green leaves are a treat for the eyes and lungs.
Cilantro is a love-it-or-hate-it herb, but there’s no denying its air-purifying abilities.
It’s ideal for adding freshness to the air and your tacos.
Lavender might be known for its calming scent, but it’s also great at boosting oxygen.
Perfect for a stress-relieving corner in your home or garden.
Sage isn’t just for Thanksgiving stuffing; it does wonders for air quality too.
Plus, it’s super easy to grow and maintain.
Lemon Balm
Lemon Balm not only smells amazing but also helps increase oxygen levels.
It’s perfect if you’re looking for a citrusy, fresh scent alongside cleaner air.
Oregano is a powerhouse when it comes to both flavor and air purification.
Keep it handy in your herb garden for a breath of fresh air and a boost in your cooking.