This is the only heavy duty floor cleaner recipe you need!

Got tough floors to clean?

No worries!

We’ve got the ultimate heavy-duty floor cleaner recipe for you. It’s powerful, easy to make, and super effective.

Say goodbye to stubborn dirt and grime.

Let’s get cleaning!

Gather Your Ingredients


First things first, you need to gather all your ingredients. Don’t worry, you probably have most of these at home:

  • 1/4 cup white vinegar
  • 1/4 cup baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon liquid dish soap
  • 1 gallon of warm water
  • Essential oil (optional, for a fresh scent)

Mix Up Your Solution


Time to get mixing! In a large bucket, combine the white vinegar, baking soda, and dish soap.

Slowly add the warm water to avoid too much fizzing. If you want your floors to smell oh-so-nice, add 10-15 drops of your favorite essential oil.

Mop Away the Grime

Dip your mop into the bucket and wring it out well. You don’t want it soaking wet, just damp enough to clean.

Mop the floors in sections, rinsing the mop in the bucket often to avoid spreading dirt around.

Rinse for a Sparkling Finish

Catch your breath! Now, it’s time to rinse.

Grab a clean bucket of water and a clean mop or cloth. Go over the floors one more time to make sure there’s no leftover cleaner.

This will leave your floors sparkling and residue-free.

Let It Dry

Leave the floors to air dry completely before walking on them. If you’re in a hurry, you can speed up the process by using a fan or opening windows for some fresh air.

And voila! Your floors should be shining like new.

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