10 Best Flowers For West Side Of House

Got a west-facing garden?

Wondering which flowers will thrive there?

You’re in the right place! We’ll show you the best flowers for the west side of your house. Get ready to brighten up your garden with blooms that love the afternoon sun.

Let’s get growing!

Black-Eyed Susans

Black-Eyed Susans
Black-Eyed Susans love soaking up the west-side afternoon sun and add a bright, sunny vibe to your garden. They’re super low-maintenance, too!


Lavender is perfect for the west side of your house where it can bathe in the sun. Plus, its soothing scent is a bonus.


Coreopsis, with its cheerful yellow blooms, thrives in the bright afternoon sun that the west side provides. It’s like having a little bit of sunshine even when it’s cloudy!

Russian Sage

Russian Sage
Russian Sage doesn’t mind the strong sun and brings a lovely burst of purple flowers to your west-facing garden. It’s also a magnet for hummingbirds and butterflies!

Blanket Flowers

Blanket Flowers
Blanket Flowers are great for sunny spots like the west side of your house. Their vibrant red and orange blooms scream warmth and happiness.


Daylilies handle the heat of the west side like champs and bloom in a variety of colors. They’re like the easy-going friends of the flower world.

Butterfly Weed

Butterfly Weed
Butterfly Weed loves the sunny west side and, as its name suggests, attracts butterflies. It’s a wonderful way to bring a bit of wildlife to your garden.


Yarrow thrives in full sun and can handle the heat like a pro. Its clusters of tiny flowers add a delicate touch to your west-facing beds.


Salvia loves basking in the strong afternoon sun, making it a perfect fit for the west side. Its tall spikes of blue or purple flowers add vertical interest.

Bee Balm

Bee Balm
Bee Balm or Monarda thrives in the sunny westside garden and attracts bees and hummingbirds with its colorful blooms. It’s like having your own little pollinator party!

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