Keep your garden safe with these 10 natural weed killers. Learn more.

Tired of battling weeds without harming your garden?

You’re in luck!

A seasoned gardener reveals 10 natural weed killers that are safe for your plants and flowers.

Say goodbye to weeds and hello to a thriving garden.

Ready to learn more?

Let’s get started!

1. Mulching

By spreading organic mulch such as straw, wood chips, or leaves around your flowers, you create a barrier that blocks out the light necessary for weed seeds to sprout. This age-old method is a simple way to enrich your soil and keep weeds at bay.

2. Vinegar

Distilled white vinegar, loaded with acetic acid, is a potent weapon against weeds. When you spray it on weeds, it breaks down their cell walls, leading to dehydration and wilting. Be careful, though, since it can harm your flowers too.

Weed Killer Recipe:

  • 1 gallon of distilled white vinegar
  • 1 cup of salt
  • A few drops of dish soap

Mix these ingredients well and pour the solution into a spray bottle. Apply directly to weeds on a sunny day.

3. Boiling Water

Boiling water is a straightforward method to get rid of weeds. You should focus on weeds in cracks and crevices to save your other plants.

  1. Boil water.
  2. Carefully pour over the weeds.
  3. Ensure your flowers remain safe!

4. Corn Gluten

Corn gluten meal acts as both a natural weed suppressant and a nitrogen booster for your garden. Simply sprinkle it around your flowers’ bases to prevent weed seeds from sprouting.

5. Soap

Homemade herbicidal soap can be an effective weed killer. Mix 1 tablespoon of liquid soap with 1 quart of water in a spray bottle. Spray directly onto the leaves of the weeds, but be cautious with the amount. Using too much soap can potentially harm your flowers.

6. Fabric

Landscape fabric serves as a strong barrier against unwanted weeds. It blocks sunlight, preventing weeds from sprouting. This protective layer helps your flowers thrive without competition.

7. Hand Pulling

Hand pulling weeds might be labor-intensive, but it’s a quick and effective way to get rid of them. Make sure to pull out the entire weed, including the roots, so it doesn’t grow back.

8. Salt

Applying salt dehydrates weeds, stopping their growth. Be careful; too much salt can harm your flowers over time.

9. Essential Oils

You can tackle weeds naturally with essential oils like clove, cinnamon, and citronella. Just mix 10-15 drops of your chosen essential oil with 1 quart of water in a spray bottle. Give it a good shake to ensure it’s mixed well and then spray directly onto the weeds. This method is an eco-friendly way to manage your garden without harsh chemicals.

10. Newspaper

Lay sheets of newspaper around your flowers to create a weed barrier. Cover these sheets with mulch to enhance their effectiveness.

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