10 Surprising Ways Baby Powder Can Improve Your Garden

Did you know baby powder is a garden superhero?

It’s true! Baby powder has some amazing uses that can help your plants thrive.

Check out these 10 effective ways to use baby powder in your garden.

From deterring pests to keeping plants dry, you’ll be surprised at what it can do!

Let’s dig in!

Keep Ants Away

If ants are invading your garden, baby powder is here to help. Sprinkle a bit around the base of your plants or on ant hills to send them packing.

Ants hate the texture and will steer clear of areas dusted with baby powder.

Deters Snails and Slugs

Slugs and snails might love your garden, but they can’t stand baby powder. Dust a thin line of baby powder around the plant bases to keep these slimy creatures from chomping on your greenery.

Prevent Root Rot

Root rot is a gardener’s nightmare. Before you plant your seeds, coat them lightly with baby powder. This helps to keep excess moisture away, reducing the risk of root rot.

Repel Cats

If neighborhood cats are treating your garden like their litter box, baby powder can help.

Sprinkle some around your garden to repel them. Cats dislike the smell and texture and will avoid the area.

Dry Out Plant Fungus

s and watch the fungus disappear.

Keep Rabbits Away

Rabbits are cute but can wreak havoc in your garden. Sprinkle baby powder on your plants and around the garden’s edge to keep bunnies at bay. They dislike the smell and will look for tastier, powder-free spots.

Discourage Birds

Birds can be a menace when they start picking at your seeds. Sprinkle baby powder on the seeds before planting. The taste and texture will turn birds off, protecting your plantings.

Reduce Garden Odors

Gardens sometimes have unpleasant smells. Sprinkling a little baby powder around can help neutralize odors and keep your garden smelling fresh.

Kill Harmful Insects

Baby powder can help control harmful insects like aphids and spider mites. Dust your plants lightly with powder. It dehydrates and kills these pests without harming your plants.

Make Garden Gloves Easier to Wear

Struggling to put on your garden gloves? Dust your hands with baby powder first. It absorbs moisture and makes slipping gloves on a breeze. Plus, it keeps your hands nice and dry while you work.

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