These 10 plants do great in buckets! Find out which ones.

Got buckets?

You can grow a thriving garden right in them!

Here are 10 terrific plants that do amazingly well in buckets.

Perfect for small spaces or easy gardening.

Ready to get planting?

Let’s get started!

1. Tomatoes

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Tomatoes are perfect for container gardening since they can thrive in tight spaces. Varieties like “Patio Princess” and “Tiny Tim” are great choices because they’re small but still produce tasty fruits. Using buckets lets you better manage soil quality, drainage, and sunlight. This results in happier plants and bigger yields.

2. Herbs

Basil, mint, rosemary, and thyme thrive well in containers. Planting them in buckets helps you control their growth, preventing them from becoming invasive. Using this method, you can also relocate the buckets indoors when it’s cold, ensuring fresh herbs throughout the year.

3. Peppers

Peppers are amazing to grow in buckets. Whether you go for sweet bell peppers or spicy chili peppers, container gardening gives you control over soil nutrients and moisture levels. This can lead to strong plants and plenty of delicious peppers.

4. Strawberries

Strawberries thrive in bucket gardening because of their shallow roots. By using buckets, you can lift your plants, shielding them from pests and diseases, and reducing weed problems. The portability of buckets allows you to move them for the best sunlight. This way, your strawberries get the light they need to grow delicious and healthy.

5. Salad Greens

Lettuce, spinach, and other leafy greens are great for bucket gardening. If space is limited, you can grow a variety of these greens together in one bucket. Harvest as needed to enjoy fresh salads right from your container. This method is perfect if you don’t have a traditional garden plot.

6. Cucumbers

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Cucumbers often need space to grow, but there are bush varieties that do well in buckets. You can use vertical trellises to save more space, making them perfect for balconies or small patios.

7. Carrots

Growing carrots can be a bit tricky because they need loose, well-draining soil. Using buckets to plant them helps you manage the soil better, preventing compaction and allowing the roots to grow straight and healthy. Plus, this method keeps pests away since they can’t easily burrow into the ground to reach the roots.

8. Radishes

Radishes are great to grow in buckets. You have a lot of control over the soil, and they grow really fast. You’ll see results quickly, making them perfect if you’re eager for a quick gardening win.

9. Dwarf Fruit Trees

Dwarf fruit trees, like dwarf apples and citrus, can easily fit into your living space. You can grow them in buckets, perfect for apartments. These trees are grafted onto special rootstocks, limiting their size yet allowing them to produce tasty fruits.

10. Beans

You can grow compact bush beans or pole beans with a trellis in buckets. This setup helps you avoid soil-borne diseases and improves air circulation. This results in healthier plants and can lead to higher yields.

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