13 Low-Maintenance Veggies to Harvest for Years to Come

Want a garden that keeps giving?

Perennial veggies are the answer!

Plant them once and enjoy fresh harvests for years. Here are 13 amazing veggies to get you started.

Ready for a low-maintenance garden?

Let’s dig in!

1. Asparagus

1. Asparagus

Asparagus is the king of perennial veggies! Plant it once and enjoy fresh shoots every spring. It takes a couple of years to establish, but it’s totally worth the wait. Make sure you give it a sunny spot, and prepare for it to spread its deliciousness for up to 20 years. You’ll know it’s ready to harvest when the spears are about as thick as a pencil. Just snap them off at the base and enjoy!

2. Rhubarb

Rhubarb might not be to everyone’s taste, but if you’re a fan, you’re in luck. This tangy plant loves cool climates and can thrive with minimal care. Just keep it well-watered and give it a bit of compost each year. Remember, only the stalks are edible—leaves are toxic! Enjoy rhubarb in pies, jams, or simply stewed with some sugar.

3. Artichokes

Artichokes add a touch of elegance to your garden and your plate. These thistles can produce tasty buds year after year. They prefer mild winters and cool summers, so they’re perfect for temperate climates. Plant them in well-draining soil, and be patient—artichokes can take a year to settle before they start producing those lovely, edible flowers.

4. Chives

Chives are probably the easiest perennial veggies you can grow. They’re perfect for beginners! With their mild onion flavor, they’re great in salads, soups, and as a garnish. Just plant them in a sunny spot, and they’ll keep coming back year after year. Plus, their purple flowers are not just pretty but also edible!

5. Sorrel

5. Sorrel

Sorrel is a leafy green with a tangy taste that’s a great addition to salads and soups. It’s super hardy and will bounce back year after year. Give it a sunny or partly shaded spot, and it will reward you with fresh leaves from spring to fall. Just remember to trim it back regularly to encourage new growth.

6. Horseradish

If you love a bit of a kick in your condiments, horseradish is your go-to perennial. Plant a piece of root in the spring, and it will come back stronger every year. It’s tough as nails and doesn’t require much care. Just be aware it can spread aggressively, so it might be best to contain it in a pot or designated garden area.

7. Kale

Yes, you read that right. Some types of kale, like ‘Tree Kale’ or ‘Perennial Kale,’ can stick around for several years. They can be harvested leaf by leaf, so you always have some fresh greens on hand. Plant them in a sunny spot and enjoy this superfood with minimal effort!

8. Lovage

Lovage is like the overachieving cousin of celery. It has a similar but stronger flavor and grows up to six feet tall! You can use both the leaves and stems in soups, salads, and stews. It’s a hardy perennial that doesn’t need much care. Just plant it in a sunny spot, and it will keep coming back, season after season.

9. Good King Henry

9. Good King Henry

Good King Henry is a lesser-known perennial that deserves some attention. This spinach-like plant is perfect for those who want a continuous supply of greens. It’s hardy and can grow in poor soil, though it prefers some shade. Just water it during dry spells, and you’ll be harvesting tender, nutritious leaves for years.

10. Garlic

Okay, only part of garlic is perennial, but it’s still amazing! Plant the cloves in the fall, and harvest the bulbs the next summer. The real perennial star, though, is the garlic scape—the flower stalk that comes up in the spring. Cut these off for a mild garlic flavor perfect for pesto or stir-fry, and let the bulb grow for next year.

11. Walking Onions

Walking onions, also known as Egyptian onions, are a fun and practical addition to your garden. They “walk” by producing small bulbs at the top of their stems that fall over and root themselves. These onions are tough and will keep coming back each year. You can eat both the bulbs and the green tops. Talk about a win-win!

12. Sea Kale

Sea kale is a coastal plant that’s super hardy and drought-resistant. It has delicious leaves and shoots you can harvest every year. Plant it in well-drained soil and a sunny spot to get the best results. Sea kale is a bit of a rarity, but once you try it, you’ll wonder why it’s not more popular!

13. Jerusalem Artichokes

Also known as sunchokes, Jerusalem artichokes are tubers that taste like a cross between a potato and an artichoke. Plant them once, and they’ll come back year after year. They can spread quite vigorously, so give them plenty of space or keep them contained. Dig up the tubers in the fall and enjoy them roasted, mashed, or in soups.

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