6 Plants You Can Start with One Cutting and a Glass of Water

Got a glass of water?

That’s all you need to grow new plants!

It’s fun and easy. Discover which plants you can start with just one cutting and a glass of water.

Ready to turn one plant into many?

Let’s get growing!



Starting with Pothos is super easy! Just snip a 4-6 inch piece with a couple of leaves and put it in a glass of water. Let it chill there in a bright, indirect sunlight spot. In a few weeks, you’ll see roots growing. Change the water every few days to keep it fresh. Once the roots are about an inch long, you can plant it in soil or leave it in water.

Spider Plant

Spider plants are awesome because they pretty much do all the work for you. Look for a baby spider plant, also known as a spiderette, and snip it off. Place it in a glass of water and put it in a sunny spot. Change the water every few days. In a couple of weeks, roots will start growing. You can plant it in soil once the roots are around an inch long.



Philodendrons are carefree plants that root easily in water. Cut a stem about 6 inches long with a few leaves on it. Stick it in a glass of water and place it in indirect sunlight. After a few weeks, you’ll see roots sprouting. Just make sure to change the water every few days. Once the roots are visible and about an inch long, transfer it to soil or keep it in water.


If you love fresh herbs, mint is perfect for you. Just take a 4-6 inch cutting from a healthy mint plant. Strip the leaves from the lower half and pop it in a glass of water. Place it on a sunny windowsill and change the water every few days. It’ll root in no time. Once the roots are about an inch long, you can plant it in soil. Easy peasy.



Rosemary is another fantastic herb to grow from a cutting. Snip a 4-inch cutting from a rosemary branch. Remove the lower leaves and place it in a glass of water. Put it in a spot with lots of sunlight and change the water every few days. Wait until you see roots, usually in a few weeks, then you can plant it in soil.


Geraniums are colorful and fun to propagate. Take a 4-6 inch cutting from a healthy plant. Remove any flowers and most of the leaves, leaving just a couple at the top. Place the cutting in a glass of water and put it in a sunny spot. Change the water every few days. Once roots start growing, you can plant the geranium cutting in soil.

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