7 Tactics To Grow Coleus

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Want vibrant Coleus in your garden?

It’s easier than you think!

With the right tactics, your Coleus can thrive. Discover 7 simple ways to help them grow.

Ready for a lush, colorful garden?

Let’s get started!

Pick the Perfect Spot

Water Regularly
Image: © mollyshomeguide.com (Visualized and enhanced using AI technology)

Your coleus plants will flourish if you choose the right spot to plant them. They love bright, indirect sunlight.

If you plant them in full sun, their vibrant colors might fade. If you can, pick a spot where they will get morning sun and afternoon shade.

This mix of light keeps them happy and colorful.

Water Regularly

Fertilize Wisely
Image: © mollyshomeguide.com (Visualized and enhanced using AI technology)

Coleus plants need regular watering to stay healthy. Make sure the soil is moist but not soggy.

You can check the soil with your finger; if the top inch is dry, it’s time to water. Over-watering can harm the roots, so be careful not to flood them.

Remember, consistent watering is key!

Fertilize Wisely

Pick the Perfect Spot
Image: © mollyshomeguide.com (Visualized and enhanced using AI technology)

Feed your coleus every two weeks during their growing season, typically spring through summer. Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer for the best results.

But don’t overdo it! Too much fertilizer can actually harm the plant.

Less is more here, so a little bit of food goes a long way in keeping your plants vibrant.

Pinch and Prune

Pinch and Prune
Image: © mollyshomeguide.com (Visualized and enhanced using AI technology)

Pinch off the tips of your coleus regularly to keep them from getting leggy. Pinching promotes bushier growth and a fuller plant.

If you see any flowers, snip them off too. Flowering can slow the growth of the colorful foliage you love.

Regular pruning keeps your coleus looking its best.

Watch for Pests

Keep an eye out for pests like aphids and whiteflies. These bugs can damage your coleus plants quickly.

If you notice any, treat your plants with a mild insecticidal soap or neem oil. Regularly check the underside of the leaves, as that’s a favorite hiding spot for pests.

Bring Them Inside

If you live in a colder climate, consider bringing your coleus inside when it gets chilly. They’re not big fans of frost and will do better indoors during the winter.

Place them in a bright spot and reduce watering during this time. Come spring, you can move them back outside!

Propagate for More Plants

Coleus is super easy to propagate. Just snip off a 4-6 inch stem, remove the lower leaves, and place it in water.

Within a couple of weeks, you’ll see roots forming. Once the roots are an inch long, you can plant them in soil.

Voila! You’ve got a new coleus plant to enjoy.

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