9 Tactics To Grow Lotus Plant At Home

Dreaming of a homegrown lotus?

Good news! It’s totally doable.

With the right tactics, you can grow beautiful lotus plants at home. Here are 9 easy steps to help you get started.

Ready to add some zen to your space? Let’s go!

Get the Right Container

Provide Lots of Sunshine
Image: © mollyshomeguide.com (Visualized and enhanced using AI technology)

First things first, grab a wide container with no drainage holes. Lotus plants love their water, so you’ll need something that can hold it all in.

Go for a container that’s at least 6 inches deep and 18 inches in diameter. This gives your lotus plenty of room to spread its roots and leaves.

Choose the Ideal Soil

Lotus plants aren’t super picky, but they do love clay soil. If you can’t find it, you can mix garden soil with a bit of sand.

Just avoid potting soil because it often floats. Pack the soil tightly into your container, leaving about 2-3 inches from the top.

Planting the Lotus Tubers

Planting the Lotus Tubers
Image: © mollyshomeguide.com (Visualized and enhanced using AI technology)

Handle your lotus tubers with care! They’re pretty fragile.

Lay them on the soil horizontally, making sure the pointed end sticks out. Cover them with a bit of soil but let the tips peek out.

This helps them start growing strong and healthy.

Water, Water, Water

Next up, fill your container with water until it covers the soil by about an inch. As the lotus grows, keep adding water to ensure the plant is submerged.

Maintaining consistent water levels is key to keeping your lotus happy.

Provide Lots of Sunshine

Get the Right Container
Image: © mollyshomeguide.com (Visualized and enhanced using AI technology)

Lotus plants are sun bathers. They need at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight every day.

Place your container in the sunniest spot you’ve got. If you’re growing them indoors, a sunny window works great too!

Fertilize for Growth

Once your lotus starts showing signs of growth, usually after about six weeks, it’s time to give them a little food. Use a slow-release fertilizer specifically for aquatic plants.

Follow the instructions on the packaging for the best results.

Maintain Clean Water

Maintain Clean Water
Image: © mollyshomeguide.com (Visualized and enhanced using AI technology)

Keeping the water clean is super important. If the water starts to look murky, replace it carefully without disturbing the soil.

Clean water ensures your lotus stays healthy and free from pests and diseases.

Winter Care Tips

If you live in an area with frosty winters, bring your lotus container indoors. Place it in a cool, non-freezing place like a garage or basement.

Keep water in the container to keep the tubers moist throughout the winter.

Enjoy the Blooms

With a bit of patience and care, you’ll soon enjoy stunning lotus blooms. They usually bloom from mid-summer to early fall.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy the beauty of your hard work!

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