Boost Your Pepper Plants with These 12 Surprising Additions

Want the best peppers ever?

It’s all about what you put in the planting hole.

Discover 12 surprising things that can supercharge your pepper plants.

Simple tips for a great harvest!

Let’s dig in!



Crushed eggshells are like a treasure for your pepper plants. They’re loaded with calcium, which helps prevent blossom end rot and makes your pepper plants super strong. Just crumble up a handful and toss them in the planting hole. Your peppers will thank you big time!

Coffee Grounds

Used coffee grounds are not just waste; they’re a fantastic soil booster! Sprinkle a handful into the hole to give your peppers a nitrogen boost. This helps get them off to a great start and keeps them happy and healthy. Plus, recycling coffee grounds is eco-friendly. Win-win!

Banana Peels

Don’t throw away those banana peels! They’re rich in potassium, which helps the plants grow strong and produces more peppers. Just cut the peel into small pieces and place them in the hole. Your pepper plants will get a steady source of nutrients as the peels break down.

Bone Meal

Bone meal is fantastic for giving your peppers a phosphorus boost, crucial for root development and flower production. Sprinkle a tablespoon of bone meal in the planting hole before you plant your peppers. This helps ensure your plants grow big and produce lots of peppers.

Fish Emulsion

Fish Emulsion

Fish emulsion is like a miracle-growth potion for your plants. It’s full of nutrients that your peppers will thrive on. Just mix a small amount into the planting hole. The strong smell will fade, but your plants will keep reaping the benefits!


Compost is a no-brainer. It enriches your soil with organic matter and a variety of nutrients. Add a scoop of compost to the planting hole to give your pepper plants the best start. Homemade or store-bought, compost will always do wonders for your garden.

Worm Castings

Worm castings are like black gold for your garden. They’re packed with essential nutrients and beneficial microbes. Add a small handful to each planting hole. Your peppers will grow stronger roots and be more resistant to diseases. Healthy plants = better peppers!

Epsom Salt

Sprinkle about a tablespoon of Epsom salt into the planting hole. This gives your pepper plants a magnesium and sulfur boost, essential for vibrant growth and increased chlorophyll production. This tip is especially useful if you’ve got yellowing leaves, indicating a magnesium deficiency.

Kelp Meal

Kelp Meal

Kelp meal is a fantastic all-natural fertilizer, rich in micronutrients and growth hormones. Add a small amount to the planting hole to help your peppers grow stronger and more resilient. It also improves soil structure, which is great for long-term gardening success.


Azomite is a natural mineral product that’s packed with trace elements. Mixing a tablespoon into each planting hole ensures your plants get all the micro-nutrients they might be lacking. This leads to healthier plants and, you guessed it, more and better peppers!

Alfalfa Meal

Alfalfa meal is another fantastic soil amendment. It’s high in nitrogen and also contains a natural growth stimulant called triacontanol. Sprinkle some alfalfa meal in the planting hole to give your peppers a great head start and keep them growing like champs!

Mycorrhizal Fungi

Adding mycorrhizal fungi to your planting hole can significantly boost root health and nutrient absorption. Sprinkle a small amount in the hole before planting. This symbiotic relationship between fungi and plant roots will lead to healthier and more productive pepper plants.

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