Do These 5 Things to Your Day Lilies and They’ll Produce More Blooms

Want your day lilies to bloom like never before?

It’s easier than you think!

Just a few simple tricks can make a big difference. Discover the 5 things you should do for more beautiful blooms.

Ready to make your garden shine?

Let’s get started!

Pick the Right Spot

Pick the Right Spot

Location is key! Day lilies love the sun.

Make sure to plant them somewhere they can soak up at least six hours of sunlight each day. More sun equals more blooms.

Pick a spot that gets morning sunlight if possible, as it’s less harsh compared to the afternoon sun.

Water Regularly

Water Regularly

Day lilies need consistent moisture, especially in the growing season. Water them deeply once a week.

If the weather is hot, you might need to amp it up a bit. Just be sure the soil drains well to avoid any standing water.

Feed Them Well

Feed Them Well

Like any other plant, day lilies need nutrients to thrive. Use a balanced fertilizer in early spring to give them a boost.

You can also add compost or organic matter to the soil. This makes sure your lilies get all the goodies they need for producing those beautiful blooms.

Deadhead Spent Blooms

Once a bloom has faded, snip it off. This helps the plant put its energy into making new flowers instead of making seeds.

It’s a small step but makes a big difference in keeping your day lilies blooming longer and more frequently.

Divide and Conquer

Every three to five years, it’s a good idea to dig up your day lilies and divide them. Over time, clumps of day lilies can get crowded and start producing fewer blooms.

Dividing them gives each plant more room to grow and flourish. Plus, you get even more plants to spread around your garden!

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