Don’t Forget To Prune These 7 Stunning Plants In August To Maximize Their Beauty

Want your garden to shine?

Pruning is key!

In August, some plants need a little extra care. Discover the 7 stunning plants you should prune to keep them looking their best.

Let’s make your garden gorgeous!


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August is prime time to get those roses in shape. If you want to keep them blooming beautifully, pruning is key!

Cut back any dead or diseased stems, and trim spent blooms to encourage new growth. Remember, nice clean cuts just above a leaf node are best.

Fresh air circulation helps too, so don’t be shy to thin out crowded areas. Your roses will thank you!


Hydrangeas can sometimes look a little wild by the end of summer. Grab your pruners and snip away old flower heads.

For most varieties, you want to cut back no more than one-third of the plant. Focus on removing weak or spent canes.

This helps your hydrangeas stay strong and keeps them blooming pretty. Just avoid cutting any new buds that will bloom next year!


Maja Dumat from Deutschland (Germany), CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Lavender loves a good trim in August. Cut back flowers that have faded to keep your plant looking neat and to encourage another round of blooms.

Trim about one-third of the green growth, but avoid cutting into the woody parts. This keeps your lavender bushy and fresh.

Plus, you can use the trimmings in sachets or as decoration around your home!


If you’ve got wisteria, you know how fast it can grow! August pruning helps keep it under control.

Cut back the long, whippy shoots that have grown over the summer, leaving just a few buds on each. This helps manage the space and promotes flowering for the next season.

And hey, less wisteria wrangling next spring!



Bougainvillea blooms best when it’s lightly pruned at the right time. August is perfect for this!

Trim back the vigorous growth to keep your plant in shape and free of any dead or weak branches. Pruning encourages a burst of new blooms and keeps the overall form tidy.

Bougainvillea thrives with a little tough love!


Clematis can be a bit confusing since there are different types, but most benefit from an August tidy-up. For late-flowering varieties, cut back spent flowers and any weak or dead stems.

This promotes a fresh round of growth. Early-flowering types might just need a trim to keep things neat.

Check your specific type, and give it the TLC it needs!


Your fuchsias will appreciate some attention in August. Pinch off fading blooms and cut back any leggy growth.

This keeps them compact and encourages more flowers. Don’t be scared to prune hard if they’re getting out of hand.

Fuchsias bounce back beautifully from a good trim and reward you with a fresh flush of flowers!

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