Grow watermelons with ease at home in containers. Here’s how

Dreaming of homegrown watermelons?

You can grow them easily in containers!

Discover simple steps to grow juicy watermelons right at home.

Ready to get started?

Let’s dive in!

Selecting an Appropriate Watermelon Type

  • Compact Varieties: Choose ‘Sugar Baby’ or ‘Bush Sugar Baby’ for their smaller vine size, ideal for containers.
  • Health Considerations: Seek out types renowned for disease resistance to ensure a robust growth.

Choosing the Right Planter

  • Size Matters: Opt for a planter that holds at least 5 gallons to give your watermelon’s roots ample space.
  • Drainage is Key: Ensure your selection has sufficient holes at the bottom to prevent excess water buildup and safeguard against root rot.

Soil Preparation and Planting

  • Choose a premium potting mixture with abundant organic matter.
  • Enrich the soil with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer for sustained nourishment.
  • Sow seeds or transplant young plants post the last expected frost to prevent cold harm.

Watering and Plant Care

  • Watering: Sustain even soil moisture without over-saturating.
  • Sunlight: Position for 6-8 hours of daily sunlight.
  • Pest Control: Act promptly to combat pests and disease.

Harvesting Your Watermelons

  • Determine ripeness: Approximately 80 to 90 days after sowing, check for readiness of your watermelons.
  • Observe color change: A ripe watermelon will exhibit a yellowish ground spot where it rests on the ground.
  • Sound test: Gently tap the watermelon. A mature one emits a deep, hollow sound.
  • Use caution: When you confirm that your watermelons are ripe, carefully detach them to enjoy their freshness.

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