Stop buying potatoes. Use this super easy method to get an endless supply at home

Tired of buying potatoes?

What if you could grow an endless supply at home?

Learn this super easy method and never run out of potatoes again.

Ready to start your potato paradise?

Let’s get growing!

Picking an Ideal Site

  • Ensure the selected area receives 6-8 hours of sunlight daily.
  • Clear the space of weeds and debris for optimal potato growth.

Erect the Structure

  • Dimensions: Ensure the enclosure is 2-3 feet wide, 3-4 feet tall.
  • Materials: Utilize either fencing or mesh wire.
  • Purpose: This height fosters vertical growth of potatoes, enhancing yield in limited space.

Prepare the Tower Base with Bedding Material

  • Straw Layer: Begin by covering the tower’s bottom with straw. This ensures proper airflow and assists with moisture management.
  • Soil Addition: On top of the straw, add approximately 12 inches of fertile soil.
    • Qualitative Considerations: Opt for superior soil or amend it with compost. This step is crucial for delivering essential nutrients to the potatoes.

Starting Your Potato Tower

  • Seed Placement: Position small whole potatoes or cut sections with at least two budding eyes approximately 3–4 inches from the tower’s inner boundary.
  • Spacing: Ensure a gap of about 6 inches between each seed potato to provide ample growth space and avoid overcrowding.
  • Growth Room: This arrangement affords your potato plants sufficient area to thrive.

Maximize Yield: Stack High

  • As your potato plants grow, keep adding mixtures of straw and soil.
  • Ensure adequate space for plant growth at each layer.
  • Taller stems? Add more layers—potatoes develop along these buried stems.

Ensure Adequate Hydration for Your Potato Tower

  • Maintain soil moisture; avoid saturation to prevent rot.
  • Use mulch to preserve moisture and limit weeds.
  • Water evenly without overdoing it.

Gather Your Potatoes

  • Timeframe: Roughly 90 days post-planting
  • Starting Point: Tower base
  • Method: Unearth carefully, avoiding tuber damage
  • Tools: Hands preferred for delicate handling

Staggered Planting for Continuous Potato Crops

  • Spring: Initiate a potato tower for a yield in summer.
  • Summer: Establish a second tower for an autumn harvest.
  • Late Summer: Set up a final tower to gather potatoes in early winter.

This method ensures a steady flow of fresh potatoes all season.

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