Got poor soil in your garden?
Don’t worry!
There are hardy ground cover plants that thrive in tough conditions. Discover the best plants for those tricky spots.
Ready to transform your garden?
Let’s explore!
Thyme is a superstar among ground cover plants for poor soil.
It spreads quickly and even smells amazing!
Sedum, also called stonecrop, is practically indestructible and thrives in poor soil.
It adds a modern vibe with its succulent look.
Creeping Jenny
Creeping Jenny loves nothing more than to sprawl out and cover up those bare patches.
Its golden-green leaves are a bright addition to any garden.
Vinca Minor
Vinca Minor, or periwinkle, grows well in lousy soil and provides pretty blue flowers.
It’s like nature’s carpet, only prettier!
Lamium is great for poor soils and shady spots.
Its silver-patterned leaves and occasional blooms can really lighten up a dull area.
Ajuga (Bugleweed)
Ajuga thrives on neglect and poor soil conditions don’t bother it one bit.
Plus, its purple-blue flowers are super eye-catching.
Mondo Grass
Mondo Grass is hardy and low-maintenance, perfect for bad soils.
Its lush, grass-like appearance offers a nice texture change in your garden.
Dead Nettle
Dead Nettle isn’t as grim as it sounds; it’s actually quite lovely and grows well in poor soil.
The leaves are often variegated, adding a cool visual effect.
Sweet Woodruff
Sweet Woodruff handles poor soil with ease and has tiny white flowers that smell amazing.
It’s like a breath of fresh air for your garden floor.
Lamb’s Ear
Lamb’s Ear has fuzzy, silvery leaves that can thrive in the poorest of soils.
It feels just as soft as its name suggests!