Want fresh herbs year-round?
Growing them indoors is easier than you think.
Discover 10 simple tactics to create your own indoor herb garden. Enjoy fresh flavors right at home.
Ready to get started?
Let’s go!
Pick the Right Herbs
When starting your indoor herb garden, choose herbs that thrive indoors. Some great options include basil, mint, rosemary, thyme, and parsley.
These herbs are relatively easy to grow and maintain. Plus, they add fantastic flavors to your cooking!
Find the Perfect Spot
Your herbs need a spot that gets plenty of sunlight. A south-facing window is usually the best since it provides the most light.
If you don’t have a sunny window, don’t worry! You can always invest in a good-quality grow light to give your herbs the rays they need.
Use the Right Containers
Choosing the right containers is crucial for growing herbs indoors. Make sure your pots have drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.
Use pots that fit the size of your herbs; smaller herbs require smaller pots, and larger herbs, bigger ones. Cute, right?
Water Wisely
Watering can make or break your indoor herb garden. Keep the soil moist but not soaked.
Overwatering can lead to root rot. A good tip is to use your finger to check the soil’s moisture level.
If it feels dry about an inch below the surface, it’s time to water.
Feed Your Herbs
Your indoor herbs will love you if you feed them now and then. Use a liquid fertilizer every couple of weeks to keep them healthy and sprouting new leaves.
Remember, don’t overdo it—follow the instructions on the fertilizer package. Less is often more.
Prune Regularly
Pruning helps your herbs grow bushier and more robust. Regularly snip off the top parts of the plants to encourage new growth.
Plus, you get to use the trimmings in your cooking! A win-win situation, right?
Watch Out for Pests
Believe it or not, pests can appear even indoors. Keep an eye out for any unwanted bugs on your leaves.
If you spot any, use a mild insecticidal soap or a homemade solution with water and a bit of dish soap. Your herbs will thank you.
Rotate Your Plants
To ensure your herbs grow evenly, rotate your pots every few days. This way, all sides of the plant get equal sunlight, preventing them from growing lopsided.
It’s an easy trick to keep your plants looking their best.
Get Creative with Space
Don’t let limited space stop you from growing herbs indoors. Use hanging planters, shelves, or vertical gardens to maximize your growing area.
There are so many creative ways to fit herbs into your home—even in tight spots!
Enjoy and Harvest
Last but not least, enjoy your herbs! Use them in your cooking, drinks, or even just as lovely green decor around your house.
Harvest them regularly for the best flavor and continuous growth. Happy herb growing!