Want to brighten up your home without spending a fortune?
Indoor plants are the answer!
Here’s a list of the best cheap indoor plants. Easy to care for and budget-friendly.
Get ready to add some green to your space!
Spider Plant
Spider Plants are super easy to care for and can thrive in various lighting conditions.
Plus, they sprout adorable little baby plants you can replant!
Pothos are incredibly hardy and perfect for forgetful plant parents.
They grow quickly and can even survive in low light.
Snake Plant
Snake Plants are nearly indestructible and perfect for newbies.
They also purify the air, making them a great addition to any space.
Peace Lily
Peace Lilies are not only beautiful but also very forgiving.
They let you know when they need water by drooping a bit, so they’re easy to maintain.
ZZ Plant
ZZ Plants are tough as nails and can handle low light and neglect.
Their glossy leaves add a nice touch of green to any room.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is not just a pretty face; it’s useful too!
This plant is super affordable and its gel can be used for burns and skin care.
Chinese Evergreen
Chinese Evergreens are great because they come in different varieties with stunning leaf patterns.
They’re easy on the wallet and the eyes!
Cacti and Succulents
Cacti and Succulents are typically inexpensive and come in so many shapes and sizes.
They need very little water, making them perfect for busy folks.
Money Plant (Jade Plant)
Money Plants are said to bring good luck, and they’re easy to grow indoors.
They’re also very budget-friendly!
Boston Fern
Boston Ferns add a lush, tropical feel to your home without breaking the bank.
They love humidity, so they’re perfect for bathrooms!
Dracaena Marginata
Dracaena Marginata or “Dragon Tree” has a cool, spiky look that’s sure to stand out.
It’s super easy to take care of and very affordable.
Philodendrons grow quickly and are very adaptable, making them great for beginners.
You won’t need to splurge to get one started in your home.
Cast Iron Plant
The Cast Iron Plant lives up to its name; it’s nearly indestructible!
They’re perfect if you want a resilient plant that doesn’t cost much.