Need a boost for your milk supply?
Herbs can help!
There are natural ways to support your breastfeeding journey. Discover which herbs can make a difference and how to use them safely.
Let’s explore these helpful herbs together!
Fenugreek is like the superstar of herbs when it comes to boosting milk supply.
Many moms swear by its sweet, maple-like flavor in teas and dishes!
Fennel seeds not only taste delicious but also help with lactation.
They add a crunchy twist to salads and have a refreshing flavor that can perk up your meals!
Alfalfa is packed with vitamins and has been used for a long time to help increase breast milk production.
Toss some fresh alfalfa sprouts into your salad for a healthy boost!
Blessed Thistle
Blessed thistle is known for its unique flavor and is often found in herbal teas aimed at nursing moms.
It’s a great way to sip your way to better milk supply!
Milk Thistle
Milk thistle isn’t just good for your liver; it may also help with breastfeeding.
Its seeds can be steeped in tea, providing you with a lovely herbal boost!
Anise has a sweet and liquorice-like flavor that can be perfect in baked goods or teas.
Plus, it’s believed to help with milk production too!
Oat Straw
Oat straw is a calming herb that not only helps with relaxation but sits nicely in the lactation support category.
It’s often used in tea blends for a soothing experience.
Goat’s Rue
Goat’s rue is historically used to help nursing moms increase their milk supply.
It’s a powerful herb that can be taken in capsules or made into a tea!
Nettle is another nutrient-rich herb that many moms turn to during breastfeeding.
It’s loaded with vitamins and is delicious when brewed as tea or added to soups!
Red Clover
Red clover is not just pretty; it’s also full of nutrients and thought to help moms with their milk supply.
Its mild flavor makes it a nice addition to herbal mixes.
Thyme is not just a kitchen staple but can also support lactation.
Use it fresh in your cooking or enjoy it as a herbal tea for a little extra boost!
Herb Robert
Herb Robert is a lesser-known herb that’s gaining attention for its potential to aid in milk supply.
It’s often used in tinctures and is rich in nutrients!
Chickweed is an underappreciated herb that can be used fresh in salads or as a tea.
It’s believed to support lactation beautifully!
Sweet Basil
Sweet basil is a delicious herb that can be easily added to many dishes.
Beyond its flavor, it’s thought to help out with nursing and milk production too!