Don’t Throw Away These Kitchen Scraps. Here Are 10 Effective Ways to Use Them in the Garden

Got kitchen scraps?

Don’t trash them! Your garden can benefit from them big time. Discover 10 smart ways to use kitchen scraps in your garden. Save money and reduce waste.

Ready to turn scraps into gold?

Let’s explore!

Compost Your Veggie Peels

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Instead of tossing your carrot and potato peels in the garbage, throw them into a compost bin. They break down and turn into rich, dark soil that your garden will love.

Just remember to avoid composting any diseased plants or anything treated with chemicals.

Use Coffee Grounds as Fertilizer

Got leftover coffee grounds? Your plants will thank you.

Sprinkle the grounds around the base of your plants. Coffee grounds are high in nitrogen, which helps in growth.

Plus, they can help repel pests like slugs and snails.

Save Eggshells for Calcium

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Eggshells are a great source of calcium for your garden. Crush them up and scatter them around the base of your plants.

The calcium helps with root development and prevents blossom end rot in tomatoes and peppers.

Create a Banana Peel Fertilizer

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Banana peels are packed with potassium, which is super beneficial for your plants. Simply bury the peels a few inches deep around your plants.

As they decompose, they release nutrients that help your flowers bloom and your veggies grow.

Make Citrus Peel Pest Repellent

Citrus peels can help keep pests away. Chop them up and scatter them around your plants, or create a citrus spray by soaking the peels in water overnight.

The strong scent deters pests like aphids and ants, keeping your garden safe.

Use Onion and Garlic Skins as a Natural Pesticide

Give those onion and garlic skins a second life by using them as a natural pesticide. Boil the skins in water, let it cool, and then spray it on your plants.

This mixture helps protect your garden from various pests while adding nutrients to the soil.

Save Seeds for Replanting

Save Seeds for Replanting
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Don’t toss out seeds from fruits and veggies. Clean and dry them, then store them in a cool, dry place until you’re ready to plant.

This is a great way to grow your favorite produce year after year without spending extra money.

Use Potato Peelings to Grow New Potatoes

Did you know you can grow new potatoes from your peelings? Simply cut the peelings with “eyes” (little sprouts) and plant them in the soil.

Keep them well-watered, and in a few months, you’ll have a fresh crop of potatoes.

DIY Compost Tea from Kitchen Scraps

Make a nutrient-rich compost tea to feed your garden. Fill a bucket with water and add your kitchen scraps like fruit and veggie peels.

Let it sit for a few days, then strain out the solids and use the liquid to water your plants.

Use Seaweed from Kitchen Waste

If you enjoy cooking with seaweed, don’t throw away the leftovers! Seaweed is a powerhouse of nutrients for your garden.

Simply rinse off any salt and chop it up, then add it to your compost or lay it directly on the soil.

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