Here’s how to turn a single African Violet leaf into a brand new plant

Love African Violets?

Good news: you can grow a new plant from just one leaf! It’s easy and fun.

Interested in learning how?

Here’s your guide to turning a single leaf into a beautiful new African Violet.

Let’s get growing!

Gather Your Supplies

Gather Your Supplies

Before you start, make sure you have the following: a healthy African Violet leaf, a small pot or container, well-draining potting mix, a plastic bag or plastic wrap, and a bit of patience. It’s really easy, but having everything ready at the start makes things smoother!

Cut the Leaf

Pick a leaf that looks healthy and cut it off with a sharp, clean knife or scissors. You want a cutting that’s about 1 to 2 inches long.

Make sure to cut at an angle; this helps the leaf absorb more water and nutrients.

Prepare the Pot

Prepare the Pot

Fill your small pot or container with well-draining potting mix. African Violets don’t like sitting in water, so it’s important to use soil that drains well.

Moisten the soil a bit, but don’t make it soaking wet.

Plant the Leaf

Stick the cut end of the leaf into the soil about half an inch deep. Firm the soil around it to make sure it stands up straight.

If it keeps falling over, you can use a small stick or toothpick for support.

Create a Mini Greenhouse

Create a Mini Greenhouse

Cover the pot with a plastic bag or plastic wrap to create a greenhouse effect. This keeps the humidity high, which the leaf needs to grow roots.

Make sure the plastic doesn’t touch the leaf by using small sticks to prop it up if needed.

Place in Indirect Light

Find a nice spot with bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight is too harsh and might damage the leaf.

A windowsill that gets filtered sunlight usually does the trick. Patience is key here, as it can take a few weeks for roots to form.

Water Sparingly

Check the soil from time to time and keep it slightly moist, but not too wet. You don’t want the leaf to rot.

Once you notice little roots forming, you can start to slowly reduce the humidity by opening the bag a bit.

Wait for New Leaves

After a month or two, you should see tiny new leaves starting to grow at the base of the planted leaf. At this stage, you can remove the plastic cover completely.

Continue to care for your new plant like any other African Violet, and enjoy watching it grow!

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